Through intentional discipleship, modeling and instruction, Temple Christian Academy exists
to come alongside 
families as they bring their children up to love, worship and share Jesus.

L O V E  -  W O R S H I P  -  S H A R E   J E S U S

If you have more questions or would like to meet with the TCA Principal before you apply, fill out an inquiry and we will respond as soon as possible.

Important Update to North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship for 2024-2025: No income cap and no requirement to have been enrolled in a public school previously.

The window for applications for the NC Opportunity Scholarship is open from February 1st to March 1st!

In case you missed the news on this, there have been big changes to the NC Opportunity Scholarship for next school year. Not only have they removed the need to have been enrolled in a public school previously, they have also removed the income cap and added additional tiers of income to award between ~$3,000 to ~$7,000 for families. This means that all families should apply.

There is an option to choose “Temple Christian Academy New Bern - New Bern” and unsure families can also choose “Unknown.” To be clear, being awarded the Opportunity Scholarship and being accepted to attend TCA are two separate processes. New families or families with newly entering students should apply to the school as well as for the scholarship.

There is a chart right on this page that displays an estimation for what you could be eligible for based on your family’s gross income and how many people are in your household.

The application window is February 1st-March 1st, so visit the website today at

Temple Christian Academy Tuition and Fees  

Tuition, Fees, and Payments
Despite our resolve to maintain small class sizes, we also aim to keep tuition low with minimal fees, relying in part on the expected and appreciated generosity of our families and community when it comes to fundraising efforts and participation.

Tuition and Fees
  • Annual Tuition 
    • $4,725 (Payment Plans Available) 
  • New Student Application Fee (non-refundable) 
    • $200 (New Enrollment Open Now)
  • Returning Student Re-Enrollment Fee (non-refundable) 
    • $160 (Re-Enrollment Open Now) 
  • Books and Materials Fee due upon acceptance (refundable)  
    • $250 for kindergarten 
    • $400 for 1st –7th Grade  
  • FACTS (our School Information System Software) charges a $20 or $50 fee to set up billing through them, depending on billing preferences
  • Early-Withdrawal Fee
    • $500 fee assessed (as well as no refund on current tuition) for students who are withdrawn before the end of the school year
Scholarship Opportunities
We are on the state website’s list of schools at which you can use the NC Opportunity Scholarship. Applications for this open on February 1st. Please apply for this as soon as you can. You can learn more about the NC Opportunity Scholarship here.
Calendar, Schedules, Before and After-Care

Our School Year
This year, our school started on August 16th and will end on May 31st (teachers will start August 7th and end on June 7th). We also have three Family Fridays scheduled throughout the year to split up longer stretches without holidays, teacher workdays between grading periods, and 12 school days off for Christmas. We are currently finalizing a 2024-2025 calendar.
School Hours/Start Time
Our school day starts at 8:45am and ends at 3:00pm.
Drop-off is between 8:25am-8:40am and pickup is between 3:05pm-3:20pm.

Before-Care Option
There are five-day ($500) and three-day ($375) annual plans, as well as a $4 per day drop-in option for students to be dropped off before 8:25am, as early as 7:30am.

We currently have Johnson’s TKD Martial Arts, New Bern Gymnastics, New Bern Parks and Recreation picking up daily. Little Cubs will also be picking up here starting in the fall.

Small Class Sizes
We are truly committed to maintaining low class sizes. We will cap our kindergarten classes at 14 students. Our caps for 1st-7th are 14-16 students depending on the size of the particular classrooms. Until we can open up another class in that grade level, future applicants beyond the maximum will be waitlisted. We simply refuse to compromise the great learning environment and quality relationships made available through small class sizes.

We are proud to teach from a Christian worldview, utilizing Abeka, which is an outstanding, trusted Christian curriculum involving scripture, biblical principles, and critical thinking. Rather than "pacing" being our guide, our teachers use their judgment to work toward mastery of the subject matter, which means they are able to slow down to ensure students do not get as lost along the way.

Specials and Chapel
All students including kindergarteners have the privilege of taking legitimate, 45-minute Art and Physical Education classes where they learn techniques as well as how we are made in the Creator’s image and are hence creators ourselves.

Students and teachers also love starting every day with an inspiring, corporate Chapel service where God is worshiped through prayer, scripture memorization, and a staff-led message. In lieu of Chapel on Monday mornings, we each meet with our classes in what we call "Firstfruits," where the Chapel topics are introduced and discussed in a smaller setting.

Teacher Credentials
Lead Teacher Standards: Must either possess an Undergraduate Degree in Education and/or discipline and be Licensed/Certified or actively seeking Teacher Licensure/Certification.

Dress Code
By and large, our students wear collared shirts to school Monday through Thursday with khakis or slacks with a zipper.

Students and Staff will enjoy Jeans Days on Fridays with any TCA shirt, a t-shirt with a Christian phrase, or a church shirt (from their local church, VBS, Awana, mission trips).

Stay tuned for specific branding and buying guidance for fall.

Temple Church has a great sports ministry that includes Upward Sports, which is a Christian sports ministry program often housed at churches that has various sports. Many of our students played baseball, basketball, cheerleading, and volleyball and all sports are growing lately.

Other Sports or Clubs
We started small and will wait for other sports programs and after-school clubs and activities to grow organically from student, teacher, and parent interest.

Lunch Options
We are honored to have forged an amazing relationship with 37th Street Pizzeria as our partner for catered lunch options. Families can order great food through their online portal that is brought right into the lunchroom for them each day. Otherwise lunch can be brought in and we have microwaves for simple heat-ups.