Who We Are
Temple Students exists to grow disciples of Jesus Christ within the context of an age-specific community. We strive to provide solid biblical teaching along with opportunities to grow in authentic relationships. As Kingdom Seekers, we aim to: Worship God, Live by the Bible, Pray Continually, Serve Others, Share Joyfully, Meet Together, and Make Jesus Known. We believe that the Lord calls each of us to be growing in these attributes, and so all of our events will be for these goals and purposes. Whether you've been following Jesus for years or whether you have questions about the faith and are looking for a welcoming community to plug into, we'd love to meet you!
Join us this WINTER!
Invite a friend & meet us in the gym!
The first Sunday night of each month, we gather as a student ministry to share a meal together, play games, and go deeper in our faith. Each D-Night will be slightly different, but will all include dinner, so come hungry! Each night's goal is to provide opportunities for students to grow deeper as disciples within their community, as well as build deeper relationships within their individual small groups. Join us for December's D-Night on Sunday the 1st for dinner, games, and a bonfire & s'mores!
Midweek gathering
Join us in the Worship Center with the entire family!
Midweek Gathering is back! Starting September 4th, we will gather in the Worship Center every Wednesday at 6:00 as a church family for worship, teaching from Pastor Keith Whitfield on the book of John, and a time of prayer. At 7:00, adults will head to their small groups, and students will head to the Student Room for their own groups.

Temple Students Events

Serve & Sleepover
December 14th-15th
Save the date for our upcoming Serve Saturday! Students will gather in teams on the afternoon of the 14th to serve our community before heading back to the church to share a meal together. Following dinner, girls small groups will head to a leader's house for a sleepover, and the guys will lock in at the church! We are hoping to have registration for this event open as soon as we finalize details for our service project(s).

January 12th
Parents and families of 6th-12th graders, you're invited to our Family D-Night! We will be gathering in the gym to share a meal together, celebrate all that has happened in 2024, and cast vision for what is coming up in 2025. Any families connected to our ministry will not want to miss this important time to get on the same page as we head into the new year!

February 14th
We are heading to Raleigh for Winter Jam! We will meet at the church at 2pm and head straight to Raleigh (we'll grab dinner on the way). We'll be back at the church late that night, and so parents are welcome to pick up upon return OR students can plan on spending the night at the church.

December 15th
This is one of our favorite Sunday mornings of the year! For everyone who participates in our December Serve Saturday & Sleepover, we will travel back to the church that morning (or in the guys' case, they'll wake up at the church!) For everyone else, feel free to invite a friend and come hungry to the Student Room between 8:45 and 9am. We'll provide breakfast, and this morning will be full of games and fun!

ICE skating
January 20th
School's out for MLK Day, and we want to hang out with everyone! We will meet at the church at 10:30 and then head to Greenville for lunch & a fun time at the ice skating rink. Registration will be up as we get closer to the event, but we'd love to have you and your friends join us!

February 16th
It's a long weekend (for most of our students), and we're gathering for MOVIE NIGHT! We'll provide the movie, candy, and popcorn- you invite your friends and meet us in the gym!
spring break plans-

Spring Break looks a little different this year- instead of two spring breaks to navigate, our group of students has four. As we prayed about this year's trip and talked with our various leadership teams, we felt led to provide opportunities to love on our local community through serve projects throughout the month of March. Here's how this will work: students will register to be a part of the team, and will be committing to the Feb 28th Team Kickoff, and at least 3 out of the 4 Serve Saturdays. Each Serve Saturday, we'll meet at the church, and split off to our various serve projects. Later in the afternoon, we will meet back up for dinner and a short session that may include worship and/or teaching. We will end the month with an overnight team party! We've got some ideas, but this event will only be open to our team members, and you won't want to miss out! Our plans for this month will be developing as we get closer, but for now, we encourage you to pray about committing wholeheartedly to be a part of what God wants to do in and through students in the month of March.

Summer youth week @ fort caswell
We are excited to announce that next summer, we will be heading to Fort Caswell for a Summer Youth Week with BeDoTell! We have attended several of BeDoTell's Fall Retreats in the past, and have been highly encouraged by the way they meet students where they're at with energy, love, and compassion, all while spurring on all who attend to follow Jesus more wholeheartedly. The theme for 2025 is "Abide," and we invite you to follow the link for more information! https://bedotell.com/summer-camp/ This week will be full of lots of large group sports/games, pool time, beach time, daily quiet times, church and small group devotions, and more. A registration link will be up soon as we finalize pricing & details!