"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."  Romans 12:10
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."  1 Peter 4:10-11
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:45


Our Church & Our Community

At Temple Church, we believe that serving the local church and the local community is another way we are called to Live by the Bible. All throughout Scripture, it talks of different ways to serve one another and to serve God. We all have abilities and gifts that have been given to us to build up the church and to be "the hands and feet of Jesus" to the world. Choose an opportunity below to let us know you’re interested.

Serving Our Church

Temple Preschool & Temple Kids

Help children learn about the love of Jesus as we partner with families to build a foundation of faith. Sunday morning and Wednesday night rotational opportunities (not every week). 
Serving Our Church


Help children find and follow Jesus during the most formative years of their lives! Wednesday night opportunities in Temple Kids from 6-8pm.
Serving Our Church


Care for our church building and all that it facilitates by supporting our facilities staff by "setting up and tearing down" between small groups and TCA needs.
Serving Our Church

Kingdom Cafe

Serve coffee with a smile! No experience needed. We have opportunities to serve on a rotation on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and for special events. 
Serving Our Community

Hope Center

Make an impact in other's lives. Lay counselors are needed, as well as someone to help tidy and care for the building. 
Serving Our Church

Security Team

Help keep our building secure and our families safe. New team members are needed to add on rotation for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. 
Serving Our Church

Young Married Small Group Leaders

We believe that younger generations can be greatly impacted by the wisdom and knowledge of more seasoned Believers. We have opportunities to serve as Small Group Leaders for young married groups.
Serving Our Community

Thursday Night Meals

Did you know we serve meals every Thursday night to community members in need? We would love for you to do be a part of this life changing outreach! There are opportunities to cook, pack meals, drop off meals, and pray for recipients. This is a great family opportunity!
Serving Our Community


Make a difference in children's lives through sports! Coaches, chaplains, concession volunteers, setup/teardown volunteers are needed for the next season.
Serving Our Church

Welcome Team

Be a welcoming face as people enter our church! There are opportunities for greeters, golf cart drivers, welcome desk, preschool greeters.
Serving Our Church

Worship & Production

Be a part of our Sunday morning services as a production team member, on a rotation. We have opportunities for video switcher, camera operator, and photographer. No experience needed.



Interested in Missions?

Still Have Questions about Serving?

We would love to help answer your questions. Fill out the form below to get started.